Analisis Psikologi pada Naskah Drama Nenek Tercinta Karya Arifin C. Noer
Kata kunci—Psikologi, emosi, naskah drama
Abstract— This study aims to describe the character’s mental state emotional classification whithin the drama script Granny Beloved by Arifin C Noer. The hypothesis applied in this study is the emotion classification theory by David Krech. A qualitative descriptive approach was taken in this study. The information untilized is dialogue and narrative from drama scripts. The data source in this research is the drama script Beloved Grandmother. The data collection technique is to read the entire manuscript and record quotations. The research results show that the classification of feelings is within the form of fundamental feeling, feelings associated with the senses stimulation, emotions pertaining to self-evaluation, and emotions connected to other people.
Keywords— Psychology, emotions, drama script.
abstrak— Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memberikan deskripsik psikologi klasifikasi emosi karakter dalam naskah drama Nenek Tercinta karya Arifin C Noer. Penelitian ini menggunakan teori klasifikasi emosi David Krech. Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Data yang digunakan adalah dialog dari narasi naskah drama. Naskah drama Nenek Tercinta adalah sumber data untuk penelitian ini. Teknik pengumpulan data adalah membaca keseluruhan naskah dan mencatat kutipan-kutipan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan emosi dapat dikategorikan menjadi emosi dasar, emosi yang berkaitan dengan stimulasi sensor, emosi yang berkaitan dengan penilaian diri sendiri, dan emosi yang berkaitan dengan orang lain.
Kata kunci—psikologi, emosi, naskah drama
Abstract— This study aims to describe the character’s mental state emotional classification whithin the drama script Granny Beloved by Arifin C Noer. The hypothesis applied in this study is the emotion classification theory by David Krech. A qualitative descriptive approach was taken in this study. The information untilized is dialogue and narrative from drama scripts. The data source in this research is the drama script Beloved Grandmother. The data collection technique is to read the entire manuscript and record quotations. The research results show that the classification of feelings is within the form of fundamental feeling, feelings associated with the senses stimulation, emotions pertaining to self-evaluation, and emotions connected to other people.
Keywords— psychology, emotions, drama script.
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