Membangun Minat Belajar Siswa Melalui Media Game Quiz
Kata kunci— siswa; media game; quiz
abstract— As a student, he feels that he lacks mastery of the subject matter, for the subject, namely the high level of students which is quite difficult to understand. This encourages teachers to foster students' creativity in their learning. It is possible to use educational media to make students eager to learn. One type of media that teachers might use is Quizizz. The quizizz application can make students less stressed in the learning they are doing, but can help them to be more interested in game-based lessons because here they don't just play but still have to learn because the teacher has made the learning interesting. This learning can also train students to be more active in mastering lessons that they don't really like because the learning is based on the Quizzizz game, so all students will definitely be creative in following these lessons. This research intended to examine the effects of the Quizizz app on student learning. This research is a quantitative study using a quasi-experimental design consisting solely of posttest controls.
Keywords— Student, media games, quizzes
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