Profil Tahapan Proses Literasi Matematis Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas dalam Pembelajaran Limit Fungsi
abstrak—Literasi matematis merupakan bagian penting yang dibutuhkan siswa dalam pembelajaran matematika ketika melakukan pemahaman konsep matematika. Tujuan dari kajian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan profil tahapan proses literasi matematis siswa SMA dalam pembelajaran limit fungsi. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif kuantitatif dengan instrument tes dan kuesioner untuk menggali tahapan proses literasi matematis pada 34 siswa SMA kelas XI. Data dianalisis dengan uji statistik deskriptif satu variabel. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan mean hasil tes limit fungsi sebesar 55,85 dengan standar deviasi 35,09 hal ini menunjukkan kemampuan limit fungsi siswa masih rendah dan variatif. Hasil kuesioner dari tahapan proses literasi matematis siswa ini menunjukkan prosentase siswa yang dapat memahmi konsep limit fungsi melalui contoh soal sebanyak 59%, prosentase siswa yang dapat memahami melalui rumus/definisi secara langsung sebanyak 18 %, prosentase yang dapat memahami melalui contoh divariasi rumus/definisi sebanyak 21%. Profil tahapan proses literasi matematis bersesuaian dengan kemampuan pemahaman konsep limit fungsi, artinya proses literasi matematis siswa yang menggunakan tahapan yang mampu menggunakan rumus/definisi secara langsung maka pemahaman konsep limit fungsi juga baik.
Abstract—Mathematical literacy is an important part that students need in learning mathematics when understanding mathematical concepts. The purpose of this study is to describe the profile of the stages of the process of mathematical literacy of high school students in limit function learning. The research method used descriptive quantitative with instrument tests and questionnaires to explore the stages of the mathematical literacy process in 34 class XI high school students. Data were analyzed by using one variable descriptive statistical test. The results showed that the mean limit of function test results were 55.85 with a standard deviation of 35.09. This indicated that the students' ability to limit functions was still low and varied. The results of the questionnaire from the stages of the students' mathematical literacy process show that the percentage of students who can understand the concept of limit functions through sample questions is 59%, the percentage of students who can understand through direct formulas/definitions is 18%, the percentage who can understand through examples varies the formula / definition as much as 21%. The profile of the stages of the mathematical literacy process corresponds to the ability to understand the concept of limit function, meaning that in the process of mathematical literacy students who use stages are able to use formulas/definitions directly, understanding the concept of limit function is also good.
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