Motivating Students to Read Uses Online Digital Module
Motivation is one important factor in achieving the successful of learning. When the student is motivated, learning can be more efficient. Thus, teacher should be able to maintain the student’s motivation. Then this study is trying to investigate if digital online module can motivate student in reading textbook. It is qualitative study. The subjects were second semester of English education study program. The instruments were interview and observation. The data analysis is descriptive qualitative from the result of interview and observation. Based on the data it can be concluded that digital online module can motivate students to read. Most of students said that they enjoy reading the module and always read it when they were in grammar class. The absence of pictures, animation, video or audio in online digital module only made some students less interested in reading it. The students also could understand the materials and did the practices by themselves, only a few who still got difficulties in understanding the material and did the practices. From those finding, it can be concluded that online digital module give new model in learning so that it can motivate students to read the materials by themselves.
Keywords: motivation, online digital module, reading
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