Using ‘‘Who am I’’ Game to Increase the Students’ Speaking Ability: The effectiveness
The aims of this research is to know the effectiveness of “Who Am I game” to increase the students’ speaking ability of the tenth grade of senior high school. The research method used is quantitative research. The subjects of the research is the tenth grade students who stay at Nurul Iman Islamic Boarding School Blitar. The researchers have done the process of pre-test, treatment, and post-test toward students. Then, the researcher analyzed the pre-test post-test result using SPSS. The result of this research shows a significant improvement in students’ speaking ability from pre to post test with the significant result > t table (0,05) where the significance score is higher than t table. The mean of pre-test of control group is 30,25, while the mean of post-test is 44,85. If it compared to the experimental group shows result, that the mean of pre-test of experimental group is 31,3, while the mean of post-test of experimental group is 61,75. It means that Who Am I Game is able to increase the students’ speaking ability.
Keyword: Speaking, Who Am I Game, Descriptive Text
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