Utilization of Elsa Speak to Enhance Students’ Prounciation Skill
This research aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of integrating the ELSA Speak application into English language instruction, with a focus on improving students' pronunciation skills. The study followed a pre-experimental design and employed quantitative analysis methods. The sample consisted of 36 students from XI MIPA 1 at Kademangan 1 High School, with a specific focus on assessing monophthong sounds through a set of 48 words. The research was conducted in three phases: pre-test, treatment, and post-test.
The research results demonstrated a significant improvement in students' pronunciation skills as a direct result of using the ELSA Speak application. Comparing pre-test and post-test scores, the average score increased from 38 to 43, indicating a notable 13% enhancement. This suggests that the integration of ELSA Speak effectively enhanced students' pronunciation skills.
Furthermore, the study identified several positive impacts associated with incorporating ELSA Speak into English instruction. These benefits included increased student motivation, a deeper understanding of the learning material, equitable opportunities for all students to practice, reduced monotony in the learning process, improved retention of material, and the seamless application of learned material in everyday communication. The research also highlighted the heightened enthusiasm among students when using ELSA Speak, indicating a positive student attitude toward this technology as a valuable tool for pronunciation improvement in English language learning.
Keyword: ELSA Speak Application, The effectiveness, Pronunciation Ability, Monopthong Sounds
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