Analisis Aspek Kepribadian Tokoh Utama dan Nilai Pendidikan Karakter dalam Novel Kresek Hitam Karya Honey Dee
Kata kunci— aspek kepribadian tokoh utama, nilai pendidikan karakter, novel
Abstract— This research aims to describe and explain aspects of the main character's personality and the value of character education in the novel Kresek Hitam by Honey Dee. This research attempts to describe the data systematically, in detail and in depth. The presence of researchers plays an important role, because researchers act as research instruments as well as data collectors. The object in this research is the novel Kresek Hitam which was chosen as the data source in this research. The method used is descriptive qualitative. The data collection technique in this research is the reading and note taking technique. Based on data analysis, researchers found 5 aspects of the main character's personality, namely (physiological needs) consisting of food and drink needs 4 data, rest needs 1 data sexual needs 1 data, shelter needs 2 data, (need for security) consisting of protection 3 data, crime protection 2 data, threatening danger 1 data, safe from natural disasters 1 data, (the need to belong and be loved) consisting of affection 4 data, mutual trust 3 data, love 2 data, (the need for self-esteem) consisting of self-esteem 3 data, low 4 data, (self-actualization needs 3 data. Meanwhile, character education values are religious 5 data, honest 3 data, tolerance 4 data, discipline 1 data, hard work 2 data, creative 1 data, independent 2 data, democratic 2 data, curiosity 4 data, national spirit 2 data, love of the homeland 1 data, respecting achievements 2 data, friendly/communicative 2 data, love of peace 2 data, environmental care 2 data, social care 3 data, responsibility 5 data.
Keywords— Aspects of the main character’s personality, the value of character education, novel
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