The Implementation Of Activities In The English Conversation Club To Encourge Student Speaking Skill At SMPN 1 Kalitidu

Sri Ningsih, Refi Ranto Rozak, Chyntia Heru Woro Prastiwi


Abstrak—Berbicara adalah proses interaksi yang melibatkan produksi, penerimaan,dan pemrosesan informasi.  Ektrakurrikuler adalah kegiatan yang dilakukan untuk mendukung potensi siswa . Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan implementasi kegiatan di English Conversation Club dalam mendorong siswa untuk kemampuan berbicara mereka, Penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif kuaitatif. Data diperoleh dengan observasi dan wawancara. Selama pengamatan, peneliti menggunakan wawancara, lembar observasi dan dokumentasi  untuk membantu dalam mendukung data agar lebih valid .Berdasarkan hasil, dapat diperoleh ada beberapa kegiatan di English Conversation Club yaitu conversation, guessing something, game activity, dan class discussion. dari hasil penelitian, dapat disimpulkan bahwa pertama, implementasi kegiatan di English Conversation Club  dibagi menjadi tiga langkah, yaitu pra, inti dan pasca kegiatan. kegiatan pra merupakan pemanasan siswa yang dilakukan untuk merangsang siswa atau disebut brainstorming sebelum masuk ke kegiatan ini. kegiatan ini umumnya berupa pertanyaan sederhana dan sapaan. pada kegiatan inti yaitu dengan mengajarkan materi dan berlatih speaking. sedangkan pada Kegiatan pos digunakan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja siswa dan memberikan motivasi kepada siswa. kegiatan di English Conversation Club. Dalam Implementasinya, kegiatan di English Conversation Club mampu membuat siswa menjadi tertarik untuk belajar speaking.

Kata kunci—activitas, English Conversation Club, kemampuan Berbicara, ektrakurikular


Abstract—Speaking is an interactive process that involves the creation, reception, and processing of information. Extracurricular activities are those that are done to help pupils reach their full potential. The purpose of this study is to illustrate how activities at the English Conversation Club are used to encourage students to enhance their speaking skills. This is a qualitative descriptive study. Observations and interviews are used to collect data. The researchers employed interviews, observation sheets, and documentation during the observation to further establish the data's validity. Based on the findings, it is possible to conclude that the English Conversation Club has numerous activities, including conversation, guessing something, game activity, and class discussion. The pre-activity is a student warm-up that is done before entering this activity to stimulate pupils, also known as brainstorming. This activity comprises of straightforward questions and answers. The main activity is to teach materials and practice speaking. While post-activity exercises are designed to assess student performance and motivate students, activities at the English Conversation Club. Activities at the English Conversation Club, when implemented properly, can pique students' enthusiasm in learning to speak English.

Keywords— activity, English Conversation Club, speaking skill, extracurricular


activity, English Conversation Club, speaking skill, extracurricular

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