An Analysis of Students’ Ability and Difficulties in Writing Narrative Text (A Study at First Grade Students of SMP Plus Maulana Malik Ibrahim Bojonegoro)
Abstract—Writing is one of the language skills in learning English that must be mastered by students even though there are difficulties considering the fact that there are several aspects needed to score goals in writing. The researcher formulates the objective of study as follows: To know the ability of student in writing narrative text. To know the difficulties in writing narrative text. The researcher use descriptive method because it is very useful to get data from the research and it is easy to understood because researcher must not uses a complex statistic techniques. Based on the analysis of the students ability in writing narrative, the total mean score of the students was 66. It means that the students ability in writing narrative text was classified as poor. The score of the students writing ability in content categories was 72. It was classified good. The score of the students in organization was 72. It was classified good. The score of the students in vocabulary was 70. It was classified fair. The score of the students in grammar was 59. It was classified poor. And the mean score of the students in mechanic was 58. It was classified poor. The result of the students test showed that all of the students got difficulties in writing narrative text. The students’ difficulties in writing narrative text consist of describing object in detail and grammar mastery such as simple present tense. In addition, majority of the students are difficult to create the sentences and write correct spelling words. Moreover, lack of vocabulary makes them write a lot of repetition word in their writing.
Keywords—writing, narrative text
Abstrak—Menulis merupakan salah satu keterampilan berbahasa dalam pembelajaran bahasa Inggris yang harus dikuasai oleh siswa meskipun terdapat kesulitan mengingat ada beberapa aspek yang diperlukan untuk mencetak tujuan dalam menulis. Peneliti merumuskan tujuan penelitian sebagai berikut: Untuk mengetahui kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks naratif. Untuk mengetahui kesulitan dalam menulis teks narrative. Peneliti menggunakan metode deskriptif karena sangat berguna untuk mendapatkan data dari penelitian dan mudah dipahami karena peneliti tidak harus menggunakan teknik statistik yang rumit. Berdasarkan analisis kemampuan siswa dalam menulis deskriptif, nilai rata-rata total siswa adalah 66. Artinya, kemampuan siswa dalam menulis teks naratif tergolong rendah. Nilai kemampuan menulis siswa pada kategori isi adalah 72. Termasuk dalam kategori baik. Nilai siswa dalam berorganisasi adalah 72. Termasuk dalam kategori baik. Nilai kosakata siswa adalah 70. Itu tergolong cukup. Nilai grammar siswa adalah 59. Itu tergolong buruk. Dan nilai rata-rata siswa di bidang mekanik adalah 58 yang tergolong kurang baik. Hasil tes siswa menunjukkan bahwa semua siswa mengalami kesulitan dalam menulis teks naratif. Kesulitan siswa dalam menulis teks naratif terdiri dari mendeskripsikan objek secara mendetail dan penguasaan tata bahasa seperti simple present tense. Selain itu, sebagian besar siswa sulit membuat kalimat dan menulis ejaan kata yang benar. Selain itu, kurangnya kosa kata membuat mereka menulis banyak pengulangan kata dalam tulisan mereka.
Kata Kunci—menulis, teks naratif
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