The Effectiveness of Animated Video in Teaching Writing Descriptive Text of the Seventh Grade Students at SMPN 2 Bojonegoro (An Experimental Research at the Seventh-Grade Students of SMPN 2 Bojonegoro in Academic Year 2021/2022)
Abstract—The students assume that writing a descriptive text in English is very difficult. Most students lacked the vocabulary and had difficulty using English grammar. The researchers use video animations as a medium to arouse students' interest in learning to write in English. Animation has many advantages, such as making learning more straightforward and more exciting and can improve the quality of learning outcomes. This type of research is experimental research. There are three steps to conducting this research; Conducting a pre-test, providing treatment, and a post-test. The experts performed the validation of the test questions. Based of the data analysis results, the experimental class's mean score was 59 in the pre-test and 88 in the post-test. At the same time, the mean score of the control class was 52 in the pre-test and 65 in the post-test. The results of the t-test using the independent t-test in SPSS 26.0 show that the T-count analysis is 8.901 ˃ 2.000. It is known that the t-count ˃ t-table. While the significant value of the analysis is 0.197 with sig (2-tailed) 0.000, the significance is less than 0.05. The results of this study are that animated videos are more effective than direct methods. The students assume that writing a descriptive text in English is very difficult. Most students lacked the vocabulary and had difficulty using English grammar. The researchers use video animations as a medium to arouse students' interest in learning to write in English. Animation has many advantages, such as making learning more straightforward and more exciting and can improve the quality of learning outcomes. This type of research is experimental research. There are three steps to conducting this research; conduct pre-test, provide treatment, and post-test. Experts have verified the exam questions. Based on the data analysis results, the experimental class’s mean score is 59 in the pre-test and 88 in the post-test. At the same time, the mean score of the control class was 52 in the previous test and 65 in the following test. The t-test results using the independent t-test in SPSS 26.0 show that the t-count analysis is 8,901 ˃ 2,000. It is known that the t-count ˃ t-table. While the significant value of the analysis is 0.197 with sig (2-tailed) 0.000, the significance is less than 0,05. The results of this study are that animated videos are more effective than direct methods.
Keywords— Animated Video, Writing skills, Descriptive Text
Abstrak— Para siswa beranggapan bahwa menulis teks deskriptif dalam bahasa Inggris sangat sulit. Sebagian besar siswa kekurangan kosakata dan mengalami kesulitan menggunakan tata bahasa Inggris. Para peneliti menggunakan animasi video sebagai media untuk membangkitkan minat siswa dalam belajar menulis dalam bahasa Inggris. Animasi memiliki banyak kelebihan, seperti membuat pembelajaran lebih lugas dan lebih menarik serta dapat meningkatkan kualitas hasil belajar. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen. Ada tiga langkah untuk melakukan penelitian ini; melakukan pre-test, memberikan perlakuan, dan post-test. Para ahli telah memverifikasi soal ujian. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, skor rata-rata kelas eksperimen adalah 59 pada pre-test dan 88 pada post-test. Pada saat yang sama, skor rata-rata kelas kontrol adalah 52 pada tes sebelumnya dan 65 pada tes berikutnya. Hasil uji-t dengan menggunakan uji-t independen dalam SPSS 26.0 menunjukkan bahwa analisis t-hitung adalah 8.901 ˃ 2.000. Diketahui bahwa t-hitung Diketahui bahwa t-hitung ˃ t-tabel. Sedangkan nilai signifikan dari analisis tersebut adalah 0,197 dengan sig (2-tailed) 0,000, signifikansi kurang dari 0,05. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah video animasi lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan metode langsung.
Kata Kunci— Video Animasi, Kemampuan Menulis, Teks Deskkripsi.
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