Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Instrumen Penelitian Tingkat Pemahaman Materi Teks Berita Siswa
Kata kunci—Validitas, Reliabilitas, Instrumen Penelitian
Abstract— This study aims to evaluate the quantitative test instrument used to measure the quality of question items in grade VII. The instrument is evaluated based on validity and reliability to ensure the accuracy and consistency of its measurement results. The results of the analysis showed that 33 questions were in the "Very High" category with a validity value that was mostly close to or reached 1, indicating excellent question quality in accordance with the learning objectives. The other two questions are included in the "High" category with a validity value that requires a slight revision to be optimal. In terms of difficulty, 16 questions were classified as easy and 19 questions were in the medium category, showing good variation to measure students' abilities overall. A Cronbach's Alpha value of 0.822 indicates that the instrument has excellent reliability, above the threshold of 0.7, which indicates that each item in the instrument is interconnected and is able to measure the same concept consistently. The resulting data can be trusted for further analysis, indicating that the instrument is ready for further research.
Keywords— Validity, Reliability, Research Instruments.
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