Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Instrumen Penelitian Tingkat Pemahaman Materi Mengulas Karya Fiksi
Kata kunci— Validitas, Reliabilitas, instrument Penelitian.
Abstract— Learning Indonesian in the chapter reviewing works of fiction is an important part for students to learn in analyzing the intrinsic elements of works of fiction. This material also trains students to learn to think critically and learn to develop their imagination. To find out students' understanding of the material, it is necessary to carry out an understanding test with a test instrument. This research uses quantitative research methods and data obtained from questionnaires and student tests in the form of scores. This research examines the validation of the test instrument, the reliability of the test instrument, and the level of difficulty of the test instrument. The purpose of this test is to prove that the questions are suitable for testing on class VIII students.
Keywords—Validity, Reliability, Research Instrument.
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