Uji Validitas dan Reliabilitas Instrument Penelitian Tingkat Pemahaman Materi Teks Laporan Hasil Observasi
Kata kunci— Instrumen Penelitian, Validitas, Reliabilitas
Abstract— This research focuses on testing the quality of the test instruments used to assess students' understanding of the observation report text. Instruments are tested to determine the extent to which the measuring tool produces accurate and consistent data. A quantitative approach was used involving two teachers as validators and students as trial respondents. The validity of the instrument is measured to ensure whether the instrument measures aspects that are in accordance with the objectives, while reliability is tested to assess the consistency of the measurement results. The validity test results showed that most of the questions were valid, although there were some questions that were invalid and were not used further. The reliability test using the Cronbach's Alpha formula produces a value of 0.864, which indicates a very high level of reliability. Overall, this test instrument has proven to be reliable for measuring students' understanding of observation report texts effectively and consistently.
Keywords— Research Instrumen, Validity, Reliability
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