The Implementation of Content-Based Instruction to Improve Tenth Grade Student’s Vocabulary at Vocational High School
Kata kunci—pembelajaran berbasis konten, kosa kata, sekolah menengah kejuruan
abstract— The Implementation of the Content-Based Instruction method to improve tenth grade students’ vocabulary in vocational high schools using the Classroom Action Research (CAR) Method. The research was conducted with the aim of finding out how this method is applied at the vocational high school level and finding out how students' vocabulary increases by implementing CBI in the context of vocational education. This method involves collecting data through direct classroom observations, interviews with English teachers. Findings show that the use of CBI with relevant teaching materials can significantly increase students' vocabulary mastery. The implication of this research is the importance of inserting learning methods that suit vocational education needs to improve student learning outcomes.
Keywords— content-based instruction, vocabulary, vocational high school
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