The Factors Affecting High School Student’s Interest in Choosing an English Education Program in College

Sofie Abiyyati Purnama Sari, Ima Isnaini Taufiqurrohmah, Ayu Fitrianingsih


Abstract—The objective of this study was to understand the factors influencing students' decisions to enroll in English study programs at the tertiary level.. This research was qualitative. There were 33 Participant from Grade 11th of SMK PGRI CEPU. The result showed two Intrinsic Factor and Extrinsic Factor. The Intrinsic Factor were: 1) their good skill, 2) confused when choosing education program, 3) their own interests, 4) their not interest with English. Several extrinsic factor were: 1). Their choose not to continue because they don't have the money, 2) want to continue their family business, 3) their plan to get married, 4) parental expectations, 5) the desire to study at famous universities, 6) the superiority among others. The aim of this study was to investigate the rationales behind students' selection of English study programs in institutions of higher education. This qualitative research involved 33 participants from the 11th grade of SMK PGRI CEPU. The findings revealed two categories of factors influencing their decisions: Intrinsic Factors, including 1) proficiency in English, 2) uncertainty in choosing an educational program, 3) personal interests, and 4) lack of interest in English; and Extrinsic Factors, such as 1) financial constraints leading to discontinuation, 2) aspirations to continue family businesses, 3) plans for marriage, 4) parental expectations, 5) aspirations to study at renowned universities, and 6) the desire for academic superiority.
Keywords—Factors Affecting, Student’s Interest, English Education Program

Abstrak—Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui alasan mahasiswa memilih program studi Bahasa Inggris di perguruan tinggi. Penelitian ini bersifat kualitatif. Peserta yang berasal dari Kelas 11 SMK PGRI CEPU berjumlah 33 orang. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan dua Faktor Intrinsik dan Faktor Ekstrinsik. Faktor Intrinsiknya adalah: 1) kemampuan mereka baik, 2) kebingungan dalam memilih program pendidikan, 3) ketertarikan mereka sendiri, 4) ketidaktertarikan mereka dengan bahasa Inggris. Beberapa faktor ekstrinsik adalah: 1). Mereka memilih untuk tidak melanjutkan karena tidak mempunyai biaya, 2) ingin melanjutkan bisnis keluarga, 3) berencana menikah, 4) ekspektasi orang tua, 5) keinginan untuk kuliah di universitas terkenal, 6) keunggulan di antara yang lain.
Kata kunci—Faktor afeksi; Minat Siswa; Program Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris


Factors Affecting, Student’s Interest, English Education Program

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