Kalimat Imperatif dalam Cerpen karya Afwan Sudrajat “Me and My Best Friend”

Muhamad Sholehhudin, Riski Alfianti, Nurul Samsunia


Kalimat merupakan bentuk sintaksis berisi konjungsi atau klausa yang terdapat nada naik turun dan juga jeda Terdapat beberapa macam kalimat yaitu diantaranya kalimat pernyataan yaitu kalimat berisi tentang sebuah informasi, ada juga kalimat pertanyaan yang berisi tentang menanyakan sesuatu, sedangkan kalimat imperatif berisi tentang kalimat perintah. Kalimat imperatif adalah suatu kalimat perintah yang ditujukan oleh lawan tuturnya. Kalimant imperatif bertujuan mencari kalimat yang terdapat kalimat perintahMetode penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif. Teknik analisis pengumpulan data cerpen secara manual. Sehingga, Analisis kalimat imperatif dalam cerpen dan analisis makna dan struktur cerpen Berdasarkan penelitian yang digunakan terdapat 5 kalimat imperatif dalam cerpen “Me and My Brst Friend” karya Afwan Sudrajat. Kalimat imperatif merupakan sebuah kalimat perintah yang ditujukkan oleh lawan tuturnya tetapi kalimat imperatif juga berisi permohonan dan larangan. Dalam cerpen “Me and My Best Friend” penulis lebih banyak menggunakan kalimat imperatif perintah dan ajakan.
Kata kunci— kalimat imperatif, cerpen

abstract—Sentences are a form of syntax containing conjunctions or clauses that contain rising and falling notes and also pauses. There are several types of sentences, including statement sentences, namely sentences containing information, there are also question sentences which contain questions about asking something, while imperative sentences contain command sentences. An imperative sentence is a command sentence directed by the person you are saying. Imperative sentences aim to find sentences that contain command sentences. This research method uses descriptive qualitative. Analytical techniques for manual short story data collection. So, analysis of imperative sentences in short stories and analysis of the meaning and structure of short stories. Based on the research used, there are 5 imperative sentences in the short story “Me and My Best Friend" by Afwan Sudrajat. An imperative sentence is a command sentence that is addressed by the interlocutor, but an imperative sentence also contains a request and prohibition. In the short story Me and my best friend the author uses more imperative sentences of command and invitation.
Keywords— imperative sentences, short stories


imperative sentences, short stories

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