Improving the Students’ Vocabulary Achievement by Applying Quizalize Application

Fajri Salsabila Fanani, Winarsih Winarsih, Supriyono Supriyono


Abstract—This study investigated how students could expand their vocabulary of personal recall writing accomplishment by using the Quizalize application. This study is purposed on determining how well the Quizalize application enhances students' vocabulary acquisition of personal recount texts. Twenty-seven eighth-grade pupils from MTs Syekh Subakir 2 Nglegok Blitar served as the study's subjects. This study was carried out in a single cycle using the planning, acting, observing, and reflecting steps of classroom action research. The instrument used to measure the students' pre- and post-treatment test result was used to present the data quantitatively. The results demonstrated that using Quizalize to improve students' vocabulary for their personal recount texts was beneficial for the class it is 55.5 in pre-test and 79.6 in post-test.

Keywords—Quzalize application, vocabulary achievement, personal recount text, CAR.


Quzalize application, vocabulary achievement, personal recount text, CAR.

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