How to Enlarge Students’ Literacy Culture in the Digital Era?

Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, Faridah Faridah, Shaumiwaty Shaumiwaty, Eka Yuni Kurniati


The reading habits of Indonesians remain low. Instead of reading, game apps and social media will take over as the primary reading medium on mobile phones. To tackle this challenge, strategies to improve students' cultural literacy in the digital age are required. This study intends to describe a variety of elements influencing reading comprehension skills, as well as tactics that are consistent with efforts to enhance students' reading habits in the digital era. The qualitative method was applied in this study. The samples of this stdy wasfive University students of English majors at the State Islamic University of North Sumatra.  The researchers collected the data by doing interview and then examined in a methodical manner using Miles and Huberman's theory that consist of transcripting the interview result, reducting the data by selecting the main point and determining the theme, presenting the data, and explaining the data. According to the finding results, there are numerous strategies for students to improve their literacy culture in the digital era, such as choosing reading material that is interesting and instilling awareness in readers that reading is very important in life and having a reading community.


Keywords: literacy, culture, reading, digital era.

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