Peran Perguruan Tinggi dalam Menyiapkan Lulusan Terampil di Dunia Industri Melalui Kolaborasi Merdeka Belajar
Century Learning Designe. Abstract— Universities as educational institutions are stakeholders in creating graduates for the industrial world. Independent learning collaboration provides an opportunity to apply the theories that have been learned in lectures, as well as to apply skills in the world of work. Skilled graduates have superior human characteristics such as having functional competence, participatory excellence, competitiveness, adaptive and collaborative professionalism. Good collaboration is needed between universities and the industrial sector to succeed in an independent learning program that will help achieve the university's vision and mission, both on a national and international scale. In its implementation, independent learning is believed to be able to produce skilled graduates needed by the industrial world. The ability to think critically, solve complex problems, be creative, manage, be able to coordinate, emotional intelligence, analytical and decision-making skills, negotiation skills, cognitive flexibility and competitiveness are assessed as positive outputs in collaboration between higher education institutions and current industry. The concept of merdeka learns to collaborate in partnership with universities, industry and the government whose initiation of collaboration is aligned with the Independent Campus Program. Industrial productivity and educational efficiency at universities in combining theory and practice will accelerate the learning process that facilitates the transformation of education in the era of society 5.0.Keywords — Independent campus implementation, independent learning, inclusive classroom, education transformation, collaborative learning, 21st Century Learning Designe.Keywords
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