Penelitian inibertujuan untuk mengetahui tentang profil multiple intelligences siswa dan hubungannya dengan kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematika. Metode dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari 6 Siswa Kelas 8B. Teknik pengumpulan data meliputi tes kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematis, angket multiple intelligence, dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Penelitian dilakukan di kelas VIIIB MTs Muhammadiyah 2 Kedungadem yang berjumlahkan 30 siswa. Terdapat 8 siswa memiliki kecerdasan interpersonal, 8 siswa memiliki kecerdasan naturalis, 10 siswa memiliki kecerdasan intrapersonal dan 4 siswa memiliki kecerdasan kinestetik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa siswa dengan kecerdasan intrapersonal tinggi mampu menguasai 6 indikator pemahaman konsep. Siswa dengan kecerdasan intrapersonal rendah hanya mampu menguasai 3 indikator pemahaman konsep . Siswa dengan kecerdasan naturalis tinggi menguasai 5 indikator pemahaman konsep. Siswa dengan kecerdasan naturalis rendah belum menguasai indikator pemahaman konsep. Subjek dengan kecerdasan interpersonal tinggi juga mampu menguasai 6 indikator pemahaman konsep. Sedangkan subjek dengan kecerdasan interpersonal rendah hanya mampu menguasai 2 pemahaman konsep.
Kata Kunci: Multiple Intelligences, kemampuan pemahaman konsep matematika.
This research aims to find out about students' multiple intelligence profiles and their relationship with the ability to understand mathematical concepts. The method in this research is descriptive qualitative. The research subjects consisted of 6 Class 8B students. Data collection techniques include tests of ability to understand mathematical concepts, multiple intelligence questionnaires, and interviews. The research results showed that the research was conducted in class VIIIB MTs Muhammadiyah 2 Kedungadem, totaling 30 students. There are 8 students who have interpersonal intelligence, 8 students who have naturalist intelligence, 10 students who have intrapersonal intelligence and 4 students who have kinesthetic intelligence. The research results show that students with high intrapersonal intelligence are able to master 6 indicators of conceptual understanding. Students with low intrapersonal intelligence are only able to master 3 indicators of conceptual understanding. Students with high naturalistic intelligence master 5 indicators of conceptual understanding. Students with low naturalist intelligence have not mastered the indicators of understanding concepts. Subjects with high interpersonal intelligence are also able to master 6 indicators of conceptual understanding. Meanwhile, subjects with low interpersonal intelligence were only able to master 2 conceptual understandings.
Keywords: Multiple Intelligences, ability to understand mathematical concepts.
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