Developing Android Based English Learning Media For Writing Text Of The Tenth Grade Students
At this time, with the development of the times, the existing technology has not been fully utilized properly, one of which is in the world of education. This can be seen from the low rating of learning media used by students. While the senior high school level is a very important level for students at the next level of education. Utilization of learning media using smartphones is needed so that students can use smartphones wisely, and the learning material delivered by the teacher can be well received, especially in learning English with report text material. Based on the existing conditions and constraints, the development of learning media is needed by following the development of modern times. Learning media should be developed so that they are varied and interesting so that students' learning interest increases. Therefore, researchers developed Android-based learning media packaged in the form of an application that contains text material, quizzes, and practice questions that are used as evaluation. This development research or RnD uses the ADDIE research model. This ADDIE model has five steps or stages that are applied to be carried out in product development, namely, Analyze, Design, Development, Implement, and Evaluate. The Android-based application learning media for high school class X students has been validated by 3 validators, namely 1 media validator, 1 material validator, and 1 language validator. Based on the results of research and development of Android-based application learning media, it can be concluded that the media aspect scored 93%, the material aspect scored 74%, then the language aspect scored 83%. In addition to validating, the researchers also conducted limited media trials for teachers who scored 88%, while media limited trials for students scored 100%. Based on the results of expert validation and limited trials, it was found that Android-based application learning media for students of class X in high school is suitable for use as learning media for class X and is suitable to be used to assist the learning process, especially report text material for class X in high school.
Keyword: Learning media, High school students, Writing, Report text.
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